Monday, September 12, 2011

Not going well.

First let me say, Kat is thriving. She loves her school and her school loves her.

Now on to the bummer part. Drew is not thriving. Drew is bumming. Drew hates his school and we're finding that it just isn't a good fit for him. I desperately want to pull him. Peter wants to wait it out. P plans to go up there this week to observe Drew in action and to see if there is any way we can make this better but I really feel like this is a personality conflict and that Drew is never going to be a Montessori kid. He wants to work with people. He wants to play and run around and be silly. They want calm and quiet and independent work.

It's a rough situation to be in. We love Montessori. Love it. I think I have come to accept that it isn't for Drew but Peter is more willing to stick around and to try to get it to work. I feel like there are strikes against it right now. The price went up and it is hard to afford. Drew isn't happy. Drew would be happy at a play school. *sigh*

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

First day(s) of school.

Kat and Drew both had their first day of school today. Kat at the GATE school, Drew at the Montessori.
I am happy to report that it was a wonderful day for both. Drew was super disappointed that Kat got to take the bus and he didn't but he recouped well.
Kat declared her teacher to be "the best teacher EVER."
Drew declared his school to be "not as nice as the old one." (SNORT! The new school is not only a nicer facility, it has a better teaching philosophy, better nutrition program, and a better set of special classes throughout the week. Drew just doesn't like change.)

It was a great day! Now to get up and do it again for the next 10 months!