Tuesday, August 28, 2012

IEP brochure

I was reminded today of the tri-fold brochure I made for my son's IEP meeting this Spring.  I wanted the school to know a bit about my son as a person before we came to them with his educational needs.  I wanted them to see what we know our son, we love him as he is, and that he is a great kid!  My husband was a bit embarrassed by me and my brochure until the IEP team got their hands on it.  The team was really excited about all of the information it contained, they loved the pictures I included and actually made copies of it so that everyone on the team could have one.  It was a total win!  I had forgotten about the brochure until today when I went up to the school to ensure that his equipment was in place and the new principal of the school asked me for a copy so she could see "this fabulous brochure." 

Here is how you can make one for your child:

I simply used MS Publisher, there are templates that work very well for this purpose available under the "Brochures" heading.  Pick the style you like the best and add your child's information.   (If you don't have Publisher, MS Word will work too!)

Front: I added his full name and date of birth on the first page, as well as a beautiful picture of his face.  

Inside:  Bullet points of information about my child.  I included his learning style, how he makes friends, his environmental preferences (no loud noises, please!) and a bit about his personality.
Health history.  I included information on how my son came to be the 5 year old he is medically.  Just the highlights, things that will help the school understand why he is who he is.
Other staff.  Information on how I would like the other staff at the school to be trained in how to care for my child.  Lunch monitors, crossing guards, bus drivers, specials teachers.
Final thought.  In a new font and color I left the teachers with a positive statement about my child and a thank you!

Back of brochure:  More photos and a graphic relating to my child.  I chose one on introversion because my child is a strong introvert and does best when his boundaries are respected. 

Best of luck to everyone in the coming school year!