Saturday, October 16, 2010

Taco night at Suburban Rebellion.

It occurred to me last week that I want to teach Kat how to cook and clean. I also want to teach these things to Drew but he still has some time before we need to think about that.
I asked on Facebook for my friends experiences, when did they start to allow their children to work on the stove? One gal did at 3, another not yet at 7. It all came down to knowing if my little girl was ready or not. Happily, I think she is.
So yesterday I allowed her to cook dinner from start to finish. We had tacos. She had to put the cheese in a bowl, she had to chop lettuce with a sharp knife, she had to brown ground beef and add water and seasoning. She had to stir carefully, she had to watch out for her hands on the hot stove, she had to put everything on the table.
They were the best. tacos. ever.

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