Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Playdate with GATE kids!

We hosted a wonderful playdate at our home today for 3 other children entering the GATE school in the fall. It was such a nice opportunity for the children to get to know one another and to build some solid relationships before they are thrust into a new school situation in the fall.
The children played well together. There was no "smart" talk, it was all play and swimming and being silly. It was like they knew they were in the company of kindred spirits and were all able to relax together.
We plan to do it again soon and hope to get some more children in on the playdates!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Suzanne,
    Thanks for the comment. You are not crazy for wanting paint your dresser, but I will say it was ALOT of work getting into all the crevices and grooves of the legs. So, if you do paint it go slow and take your time. Enjoy!!
