Friday, August 9, 2013

Starting out as president.

It was at the June meeting of the PTA that I was elected as PTA president.  July 1 was the first official day of my presidency.  Since then I have had several meetings, over 100 emails sent and received and kept up with our schools online presence.
The first meeting I had as PTA president was with the principal of our school, the secretary, and the VP of PTA to discuss the calendar for next year.  We hammered out dates for each of our big events including Halloween, Open House, all PTA meetings, Science Fair, field trips, and staff appreciation.  Once all of these dates were agreed upon we high tailed it to the school webmaster to get the dates put on our website.
The second meeting, held 3 weeks later, was with our PTA executive board.  They came over to my house, we tossed our kids in the pool and sat poolside with iced tea to discus our goals for the upcoming year, to select which committees we would mentor, to tie up loose ends from the year before, and to get to know each other.  It was a great meeting!
We decided in this meeting that our PTA would start a scholarship fund for graduating seniors who had gone to our elementary for at least 3 years.  We also decided that each member of our executive board would serve as mentor for up to 6 committee chairs, or as we decided to call them, team leaders.  This will reduce the amount of different people asking PTA related questions in the school office.  The team leaders will have the name, number and email for an executive board member and when they are stumped or need information (where can we meet? how much juice did we have to buy last year?) they can turn to one of us for answers.  Even if we don't have the answers right away, we are a resource for them so they don't feel abandoned and without information.
The concept of using "Team Leaders" is a new one.  We were hoping that being a leader would be less intimidating than being a committee chair, we were also hoping that by placing the names of executive board team members at the top of each sign up it would relax people more to volunteer.  Our school has a lot of type A parents who want to know that they can do things perfectly.  We don't need perfect, we just need help!
A typical sign up is going to look like this:

Sock Hop 
February 14
The sock hop team will provide a dj, snacks including popcorn, juice, and cookies, two quiet games to be held in room 12.  Budget of $500.  

Suzy of Suburban Rebellion

Team Leader:


The rest of the meeting was discussing old business, like who is going to send in our forms to State? and how do you like to be contacted?

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