Tuesday, November 9, 2010

First ever report card.

Kat got her first report card yesterday. She was graded on reading, math, behavior, art, and gym. It was a Stepford style report card. She got the highest possible score on every item she was graded on. This is what the school district says her grades evaluate as:

High achievement of grade level objectives: Consistently applies concepts and/or skills to meet grade level expectations. Students achieving at this level demonstrate superior academic performance, competency of subject matter knowledge and application of this knowledge to real-world situations. These students: Can extend their understanding by making meaningful, multiple connections among important ideas of concepts and provide supporting evidence for inferences and justification of solutions. Apply concepts and skills to solve problems using appropriate strategies.

Now, don't get me wrong. We are incredibly proud. Our daughter has done wonderfully these past 2.5 months of school. However, this begs the question.

What has she actually learned?

She has come home with stars on all of her assignments, but she hasn't mentioned a single thing that was tricky or fun or interesting. She does mention the singing and dancing they do each day and we couldn't be happier about that. Singing and dancing are beautiful, age appropriate activities. More, please!

I am worried that Kat is going to learn a poor work ethic. If school is this easy, what is going to happen to her when something challenging arises. Is she going to give up? Is she going to coast until graduation?

Tomorrow is our official parent teacher conference and we plan to ask for Kat to be paired up with a high achieving fourth grader (as high as our school goes) for enrichment. I am even willing to provide the enrichment so the teacher doesn't have to.

Who would have thought that having a smart child would be so worrisome?

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