Friday, November 5, 2010


Yesterday, Kat's school had a fundraiser at Chuck E Cheese. When you walk in the door at Chuck E Cheese your hand is stamped in ink that glows under a black light. No one gets out unless the entire groups numbers match. Our family all had the number 909 last night.
So, once we got in to Chuck E Cheese I allowed my children to play freely. They went this way and that way. They had a great time while I was busy chairing the event, selling raffle tickets, and talking with other parents.
Through the course of the evening I noticed a couple of parents horrified with me for allowing my children to have so much freedom. While I can kind of appreciate their points. Yes, it is a room filled with strangers. Yes, any number of bad, bad things could happen. Yes, they might get hurt/lost/scared. I also want to make my own points. It is a room filled with parents. I might not know all of them but I know that I am not going to just walk past a crying child and leave them to fend for themselves whether I know that child or not. I want my children to feel capable of making their own choices and providing safe places to explore on their own is an important step in that growth.
All's well that ends well. My children had a fabulous time, I got my fundraising work done, we all came home safe and happy. Another score for free range parenting.

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